Our bedroom should represent safe space where we return to recharge and restore. These tips are here for you to get inspired so simple addition can create zen space you’ve been dreaming about.
The best part is that all this items are aesthetically pleasing so it becomes expression of your personal style.
Here are my faves:

If you ever visited my home or took my yoga class you know I am all about engaging all senses. I absolutely LOVE burning incense every chance I get. It clears space energetically and sets the mood. If incense is too much for you, try to keep diffuser for essential oils in your bedroom or living room. For winding down and sleep I enjoy lavender and during the day time, to bring energy up, I use peppermint or eucalyptus.
BONUS TIP: Certain scents might bring certain memories. Maybe choose scent that automatically makes you think of your happy place so you can bring that feeling into your body.
The moment you assign space in your house and have your cushion dedicated for this practice it becomes a ritual. Meditation is part of my everyday life as a tool to listen, reflect, explore, recharge, align or travel to past lives. There is so many different types of meditation to explore so I use Insight Timer as my to go app. You can choose from thousands of guided ones, sound healings or just background music (this is what I go with the most). I also included couple guided meditations and sound healing by me on my website so feel free to explore.
BONUS TIP: I like to keep my headphones with cord by my meditation cushion so I can easily turn off bluetooth for less electromagnetic wave distraction.
Talk about engaging all senses here comes the sound vibration part. When in theta brain waves, we can heal through certain frequencies, we restore vibration of cells and whole body and we are very suggestive to ideas. I find very beneficial to listen hypnosis, affirmations or sound healing when sleeping.
Take a moment to create Chill | Good Vibes | Morning Energy or Lofi mood playlist to instantly shift the mood during the day.
BONUS TIP: I use “dropbox” playlist as a place to collect all random songs I like and then sort it into separate playlists.
Himalayan salt lamps purify air and helps neutralize electromagnetic radiation (EM). Lamp attracts water molecules from the surrounding environment and with it also takes positive ions, then absorb these molecules – as well as any foreign particles they may be carrying – into the salt crystal. When the heated salt releases cleansed water vapor back into the air, it also expels negative ions which have the opposite effect on our airways – keeping your lungs clear.
BONUS TIP: I keep my Himalayan Salt Lamp with dimmer turned on 24/7 as a soft light in the room. It’s also nice decor on night the night stand.
This seriously works. Benefits of essential oil are well known from aromatherapy to reducing inflammation, helping with upset stomach or skin conditions. Some of the essential oils can be used for body topically and some can be also ingested (be careful with finding out which exactly are safe to ingest). Aromatherapy has great impact on our moods and state of mind. My personal ritual includes lavender oil and lavender butter. Applying lavender butter or oil on feet before sleep helps body relax and prepare for rest. This is also helpful practice if I am waking up in the middle of the night with body tension. I apply lavender butter or oil on feet, between my shoulder blades and also take a big breath in to stimulate brain receptors.
BONUS TIP: Check out local store Therapia by Aroma for lavender butter or Doterra for variety of essential oils.
Just a one green plant makes difference in your zen space. It is fresh energy brought into your sanctuary that enhances creativity and boosts mood.
BONUS TIP: Next time you shop at Whole Foods or Flower Market let your intuition guide you and choose a plant that catches your eye.
DIFFUSER | INCENSE https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DC2ZBW7/?coliid=I2T73R79M6KHTD&colid=1ICUJH939CGD3&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1 MEDITATION CUSHION https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0988PHQ21/?coliid=I2IU667A66S8MT&colid=1ICUJH939CGD3&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it SLEEP AFFIRMATIONS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH94t89rEf0&t=219s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48HcASaWvXg&t=10406s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQkkyp7cQeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt62upCCyvM&t=16s HIMALAYAN SALT LAMP https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FW7TMFS/?coliid=I3VUOPB15ALYU4&colid=1ICUJH939CGD3&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it ESSENTIAL OILS | BUTTER https://www.therapiabyaroma.com/lavender-butter-with-lavender-essential-oil-anti-stress-and-relaxing-body-care/ https://www.doterra.com/US/en/p/lavender-touch-blend-oil?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmuiTBhDoARIsAPiv6L9YirDq1ZUB4-HPhqcqfI2H8u5F6-yAu6-MnSnrF0DWvVyb3vPZxp8aAiHhEALw_wcB